I've never had this much fun on the start of a semester. Normally, I'd feel lazy or passive, not that willing to go to class but obligated to do so. Well, who doesn't? Everyone must have felt the same way. XD
This summer term is different though. With BJK, everything, including the first day of class, turns into something fun and crazy. How insane can we still get?!
Try spending more time outside the classroom than the supposedly long and boring lecture about Morphophonemics. That's us.

One way to survive a three-hour boring lecture? Try taking photos while the prof is talking. I guess it's better to take risks than do nothing at all. Think about getting your brain fried over a semi-hypnotic lecture about the Tagalog Syntax, and maybe, you'll have the courage to do other crazy stuff in class too than just sit there and watch yourself (and possibly others too) doze off into space. See, we didn't get caught. So you should do it too. XD

How to go through the first-day of class? Be HIGH. Be crazy. Have fun. Eat out. Play L4D. Really, take risks and do what you want because like what Mark Twain said (from DanaDaDiva),
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do.So the whole point of this post is just to show you how fun school is with crazy friends who are willing to try anything just to make everything colorful. See, I actually said something cool here.
DanaDaDiva said...